Poison PE Game Idea 6




14" (0.36 m) to 24" (0.61 m)

Age group

8 years old and +


12-45 participants



Activity Type



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Individual PE game

Looking for an individual physical education activity for medium to large groups? Try Poison. A game with several possible variations in which the player has to be the sole survivor.


The game is played on an individual basis. It is possible to make alliances, but as the saying of the game is: Alliances are made to be broken!


This team physical education game will enhance participants’ reflexes and eye-hand coordination to be the sole survivor.

How the game is played

Scatter obstacles around the playing area so that participants can hide behind them during the game, and explain the different rules to participants. Once the game begins, participants may end up in the hospital if they are poisoned or in the nursing bay if they commit a violation. When poisoned, participants must stay in the hospital until the person who poisoned them is poisoned or commits a violation. Once participants have committed a violation, they must remain in the nursing bay for 30 seconds or, if they do not wish to wait, complete a task such as 10 jumping jacks or 5 push-ups. Any participant who is on the way to the hospital or clinic must put their hand on their head to show others that they cannot take part in the action.


  • A participant will be poisoned if a ball thrown by another participant hits them and they are not able to catch the ball before it hits the ground.
  • A participant will also be poisoned if he/she throws the ball to another participant and the latter catches it before it hits the ground.


  • Walking with the ball: Participants may walk with a ball as long as the ball remains on the ground. The participant may use their fingers to slide or roll the ball (finger dribbling) on the ground. Once the participant picks up the ball from the ground, they cannot walk with the ball. If they do, they commit a violation and must go to the nursing bay.
  • Time Violation: Once the participant has lifted the ball off the ground to throw it, they have 10 seconds to dispose of it. If they do, they are in violation and must go to the nursing bay.
  • Double Dribble: Once the participant has lifted the ball off the ground to throw it, they cannot put it back on the ground and start moving again. If they do, they commit a violation and must go to the nursing bay.
  • Colour Violation: Once the participant has thrown a ball, they may not touch that ball again until he touches a ball of another colour. If they do, he commits a violation and must go to the nursing bay.
  • Double Ball: A participant may never touch two balls at the same time. If he does, they commit a violation and must go to the nursing bay.
  • Stealing contact: A participant may attempt to surprise another by stealing the ball while handling it on the ground, but must succeed without touching the person. If they do, they commit a violation and must go to the nursing bay.
  • Contact to the head: If a participant throws a ball and touches another in the head, both participants commit a violation and must go to the nursing bay.


It is possible to play Poison Game in teams. If, at any time, all the participants of a team end up in the hospital or nursing bay, the team is eliminated. With large groups, it is possible that the game never ends. In this case, you can award points to participants who poison others or to those who never visit the hospital or nursing bay.

Teaching tips

Go with the first rules (Poisoning, Walking, Time, Colour) and as situations arise, introduce the other rules.

Specific safety rules

If an obstacle falls, the game stops until the obstacle is replaced.

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